2023 Alberta Sailing Provincials
Event Date: September 2-4, 2023
Calling all sailors… The Alberta Sailing Association (ASA) is excited to host the 2023 Alberta Sailing Provincials at Camp Kuriakos in Sylvan Lake, September 2nd-4th. This will be the regatta of the season and an opportunity not to miss! Several accommodation options will be available on site including tenting, cabins, and campers. Accommodations are to be booked separately and all accommodation options are listed on the ASA website.
Registration is now open for dinghy and keelboat sailors and the Early Entry Fee ends August 22nd so be sure to register now to take advantage of the discounted rates! Registration inclusions are outlined in the Notice of Race (NoR). To register and learn more please visit the Alberta Sailing Association website at: https://albertasailing.com/alberta-series-notice-of-race/