CANSail Dinghy Instructor Training & Certification Process

CANSail Dinghy Instructor Training & Certification Process

Program Overview

Becoming a certified CANSail Dinghy Instructor requires two main steps: Training & Assessment and Evaluation. Candidates must demonstrate competence in several areas to achieve ‘Trained’ status, followed by ‘Certified’ status. ‘Trained’ status is valid for 2 years, while ‘Certified’ status lasts for 4 years.

Training & Assessment


Instructor candidates must attend a CANSail Instructor Clinic, where they will be trained and assessed on several key elements, including:

  • Safety, Professionalism, Sailing Skills, Technical Knowledge, Sailing Theory & CANSail Instructor Theory, Power Boat Operation, Planning a Practice, Teaching Methods, Land Teaching, On Water Instruction, Analyzing Performance
  • Candidates who ‘Meets Standard’ in all areas during the Training & Assessment will receive ‘Trained’ status.

  • Candidates who are assessed as ‘Below Standard’ in some areas can retest the specific components they were assessed on.
  • If ‘Below Standard’ in Safety or Professionalism, candidates must retake the full CANSail Training Clinic.

After completing the training, candidates who achieve ‘Trained’ status must arrange an evaluation with ASA. The evaluation is focused on assessing candidates' ability to apply the skills in a real teaching environment. Evaluators will focus on the same key areas as the training and assessment phase, but with an emphasis on practical application.

  • Evaluation Scale:
    • 0 = Below Standard
    • 1 = Meets Standard
    • 2 = Exceeds Standard