Waves and Winds

Safe Sport Policy

Overview and History

Safe Sport is an all-encompassing term representing a commitment to providing everyone involved
in sport with a safe and positive experience. It specifically is aimed at preventing and addressing
maltreatment in sport, ensuring that all sport environments are free from abuse and harassment.

In 2018, the Government of Canada committed to addressing the issue of harassment, abuse, and discrimination in Canadian sport. Federally funded National Sport Organizations (NSOs) were required to provide access to an Independent Third Party to address cases related to maltreatment; adopt the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS); and provide mandatory training on abuse and harassment to key stakeholders. In 2022, Sport Canada created an independent body that all NSOs must partner with that will oversee all aspects of managing allegations of breaches of the UCCMS with any individual identified by an NSO who signs a UCCMS Consent. That entity is called the Office of Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC).

Sail Canada’s work around Safe Sport has evolved in the last year to reflect both the changes withgovernment requirements but to also reflect best practices and to provide the structure required to ensure Safe Sport practices and tools are embodied across the sport at all levels and locations. Sail Canada with the Provincial Sailing Associations (PSAs) have created a Safe Sport Policy Package that will be harmonized across all levels of sailing. Some policies are preventative based, outlining expectations to create the best environment, and others address the processes to be followed should a complaint come forward. Sail Canada, in partnership with 55 other NSO’s and all the PSA’s, has invested human and financial resources to create this package in support of all sailing Member Organizations and promote a safe inclusive environment for all sailors in Canada.

The Policy Package

There are several sections to the Policy Package; each section is integral to the overall package, and they work together to make up the complete package.

group of sailors on shore


This section, in partnership with the UCCMS itself, defines critical terms that are used throughout all the policies. The Policy package follows standard legal practice of capitalizing terms that are defined specifically for the policies. Where a term is capitalized in the policy, please refer to the definitions for clarity. There are terms within this package that hold a specific meaning that are addressed in definitions.

couple in a boat

Code of Conduct

This document has expectations for behaviour to promote a positive sailing experience with items for all Individuals as well as items specific to the various roles people will take on during their interactions in sailing. Individuals should sign off annually on agreeing to follow the Sailing Code of Conduct.

The UCCMS is a stand-alone document and is part of this Code of Conduct and will be reinforced for UCCMS Participants through OSIC. (See below)

This policy describes how Individuals shall maintain a safe sport environment in all interactions,
mostly addressing situations where a Power Imbalance may occur. Persons in Authority and
Athletes must understand the expectations in different situations that must be adhered to for
everyone’s protection.

Screening is not limited to simply criminal record checks; they are simply one tool in the screening
process. This policy lays out a comprehensive screening package that must be followed for the
ongoing screening of all Persons in Authority (including Board, volunteers etc.). In this policy
screening is an ongoing, broad process.

This policy lays out more specific details of expectations of all Individuals while engaging in any
Social Media platform in any role.

This policy makes it clear to all parties that reporting concerns is encouraged and in no way will any individual suffer consequences of any kind for bringing forward a legitimate concern.

This is a detailed policy that lays out the processes that will be followed in cases of an alleged
breach of any of the three different categories of types of complaints:
Process 1 – a minor misconduct type of breach will be handled by an Internal Discipline Chair
Process 2 – a more serious breach to be handled by an External Discipline Panel Alternatively, if the person is a UCCMS Participant and the alleged breach is related to UCCMS as
determined by OSIC, the process will be managed by OSIC.
Who is a UCCMS Participant?
Individuals who have been identified by Sail Canada and have signed a UCCMS Consent Form. This includes all registered coaches and officials in addition to Sail Canada’s staff, Board, volunteers, and athletes directly working with Sail Canada. (Athletes invited to Sail Canada time specific training events will be asked to sign for that specific time period).

This is a detailed process for appealing certain decisions, note what is included and what the
grounds for appeal are within the policy.

In support of alternate resolution methods, this policy provides guidance to resolving disputes
through negotiation, facilitation, and mediation.