Membership Fees

Membership Fees

Active Membership Requirements

Clubs wishing to maintain active status with the Alberta Sailing Association and Sail Canada must forward the following information before September 30th of each year to facilitate membership fee invoicing:

  • The name, address and family information where relevant;
  • The organization’s total membership (all adults and all children);
  • A summary of club activities including participation. (for example: “10 evenings of club racing with an average of 25 sailors, for a total of 250 man-days sailing”); and
  • A list of club activities that help promote the Sail Canada vision of Sail to Win – Sailing for Life.
group of sailors on shore

Sailing Association Invoicing

This allows for accurate invoicing to be facilitated by the ASA. If you are to increase your membership numbers as the season progresses, please notify the ASA and additional invoicing can be provided. The information above is utilized for the Alberta Sailing Associations annual funding applications. Active membership numbers are also counted to determine voting at the Alberta Sailing Association and Sail Canada general meetings.

couple in a boat

Active Member Information

The Government of Alberta requires all your Active member’s information. When submitting member numbers, please note that you must also submit the members following information: 

  • gender identification (male, female or nonbinary); and
  • the age range in which they are (1-13 years; 14-18 years; 19-24 years; 25-54 years; and 55+ years)
Sail Canada Programming & Organization Registration / Membership Cost
Try Sailing Group of Programs – Camps, Community & Scout Groups, Community events $6
CANSail Dinghy, Windsurf, Para, Board, Foil Pathway Programming $20
Keel / Power / Cruise / Navigation Participation & Certification $24
PSA-delivered Personal Survival Programming $36
PSA-delivered Development Coach Course $60
Sail Canada School & Camp Registration / Membership $350
Club Membership – per member at Member Club $30