A look back at the 2023 Provincials Regatta

by Meaghan Sullivan

Phil Paxton 205386

Sylvan had become a bit familiar to me after enjoying a clinic there earlier in the summer. It’s an easy drive from Chestermere. The bunks are comfy, lots of parking and kitchen close by. Ticks many boxes.

The ramp is steep – Sherpa steep – but easy underfoot and thanks to a few ASA volunteers (a.k.a. John Cormack and Barry Tee), we had a superb launch ramp. Old codgers like me get to keep our boats at the lake front so it was easy. Right next to the ramp was an awesome sauna. What a way to end a glorious day of racing. Younger folk had a pull up the hill, though they need the fitness challenge or so I rationalised as I enjoyed the sauna and a cold bevvy.

We had 3 great days of racing. From a blow out one day where we recorded 30+ knots to tamer shifty Prairie conditions. On the dinghy course we had multiple fleets compete with multiple starts. Very square courses, on time, limited waiting and multiple changes. I think we sailed west, north and south over the 3 days.

One of the wonderful memories was sailing upwind in a southerly direction to see the whole keelboat fleet heading towards us with gaily coloured sails, billowing away. It really was a joyous site and gave a salute to the respective race committees who did a magnificent job pulling that off.

Would I go back to sail at Sylvan again? You bet I would! The wind filled in every day. Long legs allowed for boats and sailors to get into a rhythm. In the ILCA 7 fleet there were many lead changes and I think we had some of the best racing we have had in a while. I saw the same thing with the other fleets. Big smiles at the end of every day.

None of this is possible without volunteers and this year was no different. The Sullivan family put on a masterful display of a winning episode of the “world’s greatest chefs”. The two race committees were spectacular in pulling off races with limited knowledge of the lake, mark set volunteers and safety. Without them it would not have been half the good time it was. Our committee chair Susan Cossi was able handed on both courses multiple times to help where needed. Massive thanks to all of you. People I have named and people not. Provincials could not have happened without your help.

Lastly Provincials came very close to a break-even budget and that was the Board’s intention. Some of you that attended did not pay some items such as camping and entry fees. Please check your bank accounts to ensure you paid what you owed for the event.

2024 Provincial host is still not claimed if you wish to host provincials. If your club would like to, please drop the ASA board a note (info@albertasailing.com), to say you would like to be considered as a host (there is a form to complete).